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Monday 22 February

Lesson Plan

My plan for todays lessons is to create my presentation and finish it by the end of the day. I will need to make a presentation on my idea for the FMP and explain a few things about it, I will create slides that will contain a brief summary of the idea, the target audience, genre theme and tone as well as a bit about the voice over actor that I will have. The final slide about the voice over actor I will have to leave blank until I have found the actor that I will want go ahead with and pay to record my script.






Lesson Plan Review
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This lesson, I managed to achieve more than I planned. I managed to completely finish my presentation and also decided to do some extra work so wrote out a layout plan for how I will want the documentary to look like, I included things such as: lengths of each part of the video, what each part will have (music, footage etc). I made this so that I can have a better view on what I am planning on making and have a brief idea so that I can elaborate and work on it and make it even better. Overall, I am really happy with the amount of work I managed to get done of the first day back.

Tuesday 23 February

Lesson Plan

My plan for todays lessons is to start researching all of the software that I might be needing to use to create this documentary. I will research each software and list it on my research page, I will also include why I will need to use each software and what its importance will be in the making of the documentary. I also plan on gathering information on all the people that have inspired me to do this project and helped me with 


Lesson Plan Review

This lesson, once again I actually managed to achieve everything I wanted to. I finished doing some research on the software that I will need to use in the creation of my documentary. I also managed in the second lesson to get onto research the people that have inspired me to make this documentary. I managed to list 2 of the content creators that have inspired me, as well as researching into documentary makers and their work and finding inspiration. I managed to find 1, which was the director of a really successful and popular Netflix documentary called 'The Last Dance'

Wednesday 24 February

Lesson Plan

My plan for today's lesson is to finish off researching inspiration for my project, which shouldn't take me too long, I then want to move onto starting to do practical research and start learning some skills. This lesson I will probably start learning how to make thumbnails for YouTube as they won't take as much time and are extremely important anyway.​

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Thursday 25 February

Lesson Plan

My plan for today's lesson is to watch couple more tutorials on how to make thumbnails and try and recreate it. Also, for the second lesson I want to get feedback from my teachers on my work so far to see what I need to change or add. 

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Lesson Plan Review

This lesson, I managed to research one more director of documentaries, this time I picked Jenny Popplewell, she was the director of 'America's Murder:The Family Next Door'. I also managed to watch 2 videos on how to create a thumbnail which will be really important when making my documentary as it will basically be the front cover of my documentary. Overall, I am really happy with the amount of work I managed to get done.

Friday 26 February

Lesson Plan

My plan for todays lessons is to watch an esport documentary called ' The Celebrity Millionaires of Competitive Gaming' and write down any inspirations that I have gotten from it. Also in the second lessons I want to get feedback from my third teacher and see what he thinks of my work and write all of the feedback down and work on the issues that need resolving.

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Lesson Plan Review

In the first lesson, I managed to get through the whole video and was also able to take some notes down, which I turned into a whole description of any inspirations that I have gotten from watching it. In the second lesson, I managed to get feedback from my third teacher and was also able to note all of the things I need working on down. Overall, once again I am really happy with the amount of work done as I managed to get everything done that I wanted to.

Monday 1 March

Lesson Plan

Plan for todays lesson is to go over my presentation and add any thing I might of missed as well as change anything that I have gotten from feedback so that it is all correct. I also plan in the second lesson to start watching tutorials on intro making and the use of HLAE which is the software I will use to record all of my own footage from the game. I plan on watching tutorials and aim to possibly have an attempt at my own creation.

Lesson Plan Review

In this lesson, I was able to achieve almost everything I wanted except for actually trying to create an intro as that took me a good 2 hours to make, which meant I had to finish it of out of lesson. Overall, I was able to achieve everything else, like changing a few things in my summary on my presentation and researching how to make cinematics in CS:GO. Overall I am happy that I managed to achieve everything except 

Tuesday 2 March

Lesson Plan

For today's lesson, I want to focus mainly and only on researching my voice over actors as I don't want to leave it to the last second before finding someone and finding out it will take them 2 weeks for example to produce the voice over for me. If I end up having time, I also want to format a message that I will send over to the people I want to interview to see what they say. If I run out of time I will just do it outside of lesson.

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed to research a couple voice actors and was able to narrow it down to my top 3 and write a little about them and the process. I managed to also get a response from them and figure out which one would be the best option. I also was able to get an understanding of budget and lead time I would need to prepare no matter who I pick. I didn't manage to start on the message to the people I want to interview.

Wednesday 3 March

Lesson Plan

Today, I want to plan out and and probably also write out my message/ request I will send over to all the people I will possibly want to interview. I want to write out a message and before the end of the lesson I want to send it to my teacher to proof read. As some of the people I will interview are Polish I will write later translate the message to Polish. After lesson, I will send of the message to everyone and await a response. I will also try and get them to respond ASAP by trying to get their attention on other social media too. 

Lesson Plan Review

This lesson I managed to write 2 of the emails I wanted to, I will need 3 different types (Polish version, version for the commentators and finally version for the analyst). Each version will differ in the request I have from them and what I will want to do with them. Overall, I am happy that I managed to finish it all off and managed to send it to 2 of the people already and now just waiting for a response. 

Thursday 4 March

Lesson Plan

My plan for today, is to do some more research, I want to do some research on what makes a successful documentary and any tips and ideas I could find to keep in mind when creating my own one as it is really important for me to make it successful one. In the second lesson, I want to prepare my presentation make sure everything is correct and after presenting it, apply the feedback I have gotten.

Lesson Plan Review

In the first lesson, I managed to do a bit of research on google for some tips and ideas on what to do create a successful documentary. Unfortunately, I was lacking motivation today and my mood wasn't the best so didn't get too much work done, which I'm unhappy about but I'll do some work over the weekend. In my second lesson, I think I smashed my presentation and did really well which boosted my motivation and managed to use all the feedback I have gotten and fixed my presentation by adding a slide with research.

Friday 5 March

Lesson Plan

My plan for today, is to continue my work on researching what makes a successful documentary. I also want in my second lesson, spend a couple of minutes writing a list of people I could 100% get in for an interview that aspire to be professional players (friends/ gamer friends/ family members). 

Lesson Plan Review

For these 2 lessons I managed to do a bit of research and watch a couple videos and learn a few things about documentaries and some key things to remember when making it. I also managed to make a spreadsheet with majority of the people I would like for an interview and marked if I have sent them a message and if they have replied.

Monday 8 March

Lesson Plan

My plan for today's lesson is to start on the research about the team and the whole organisation that I will prepare for my script that I will need for the voice over. I will research on different websites so that I can get the best information and not rely on one 1 source.

Lesson Plan Review

For these 2 lessons I managed to do a bit of research and watch a couple videos and learn a few things about documentaries and some key things to remember when making it. I also managed to make a spreadsheet with majority of the people I would like for an interview and marked if I have sent them a message and if they have replied.

Tuesday 9 March

Lesson Plan

Today, I plan on starting to write my script. I want to only start on the beginning part, where I will talk about the organisation etc. I will have to write it in the correct format so that the voice over actor can clearly understand what I want him to do and say. When I finish I will ask my teacher to review it and get feedback to see if there is any changes I will have to make

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed to finish of my script which I am happy about. I also managed to send it of to my teacher and will have feedback for next lesson so that I can improve anything that he suggests.

Wednesday 10 March

Lesson Plan

For todays lesson, I plan writing the script for the middle part of my documentary (Players).  In this part I will talk about the individual players and their importance in the team when it was around. when I finish this part, I will then send it to my teacher to get feedback on it and find out if everything is correct as well as any adjustments that I could make to it.

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed to only finish half of the script as it took me a pretty long time to turn all of my information into a script. Overall, I was happy with the amount I did. I decided to also not get feedback from my teacher yet as my script wasn't finished and I thought it would better to get it checked whilst it is all finished.

Thursday 11 March

Lesson Plan

Today, I plan on finishing of the script I started yesterday as well as having it checked through by my teacher for any suggestions on the script as well as if there is any changes I should make.

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed to finish off the script I started yesterday. I also managed to get feedback and applied it to my script so that it includes what my teacher suggested. I am happy that I managed to finish it off as it now allows me to move onto writing the final script.

Friday 12 March

Lesson Plan

For todays lesson, I plan on finishing my script completely. I plan on working on the final part of my script where I will talk about the downfall of the team as well as its splitting. Once again, when I finish I will send it to my teacher for feedback to see if there is any changes that I should make.

Lesson Plan Review

Today,  I managed to finish of my final script as well as have it read through by my teacher and assessed for any flaws or mistakes. After having it assessed I also managed to make all the changes suggested to me by my teacher.

Monday 15 March

Lesson Plan

For today's lesson, I decided to start working on my questions that I will ask the person that I will interview. I will need to do a bit of research on the person so that I can also ask some questions around him. 


Lesson Plan Review

I managed to come up with 9 questions that I will ask the player during the interview which I think is a reasonable amount. As the person that I will interview is Polish I figured it will be better if I ask the questions in Polish. Overall, I am really happy that I managed to come up with all these questions.

Tuesday 16 March

Lesson Plan

Today, I plan on working on my production schedule so that I have everything planned out for each day to make sure that I finish on time and not have to do huge amount of work the night before the deadline.

Lesson Plan Review

Due to lack of motivation, today I didn't manage to finish of my production schedule completely. I only managed to do the first 3 weeks of production in April. 

Wednesday 17 March

Lesson Plan

For todays lesson, I plan on just finishing of my production schedule and having it all complete and uploaded to my site.

Lesson Plan Review

Thankfully, today I had motivation to do work and managed to finish off the production schedule mainly because there wasn't a lot left that I needed to do. I am happy that I managed to finish it off today as that meant I can now move onto other things tomorrow.

Thursday 18 March

Lesson Plan

Today, I aim to find music that I will use in my documentary as well as send a message to my voice over actor and request a small sample of the my script that I could include on my blog.

Lesson Plan Review

I am really proud of the amount I did today, I wasn't feeling the best but still tried to push myself to do work. First, I sent a message to my actor requesting the sample so that I can have it all done possibly by the end of the school day - which he did manage to do. After that, I decided to move onto finding music. I found inspiration mainly in other e-sport documentaries on youtube or frag-movies.

Friday 19 March

Lesson Plan

Today, I want to finish of something I forgot to do at the start of the week. I will need to write my gibbs cycle review about my research that I have done so far.

Lesson Plan Review

In todays lesson's, I managed to finish writing my gibb's cycle review on my research. I also had it checked by my teacher and given feedback on what I wrote and if there are any improvements I should make.

Monday 22 March

Lesson Plan

Today as well as this week I plan on starting to look for places where I will be able to get footage from and slowly start writing down the information that I will need to record it (What round the highlight took place, who it was, who against, what map). This will make my job a lot easier when it comes to actually recording the footage.

Lesson Plan Review

I managed to find a decent amount of clips for 2 of the players in todays lesson. With each of my own recording I will also have the commentary underneath it. To make this work I will need to download the actual commentary footage from online and later in editing stage I will have to sync it together. I have also created myself a spreadsheet where I will have all the clips written down with a checklist saying if I have recorded it already or not, this will make my life easier in production.

Tuesday 23 March

Lesson Plan

Today, I plan on doing more work on finding footage and places where I will be able to get footage from. Today I aim today to find footage for another 2 of my players.

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed once again to find all the footage for the 2 other players as well as find the commentator's footage that I will need when editing and adding the commentary. I also managed to add all of the footage names into my spreadsheet so that I won't have to do it later and possibly run into an issue where I have more clips written down than I actually have downloaded.

Wednesday 24 March

Lesson Plan

Today, I plan on finishing finding the footage for all the players as I only have 1 player remaining to look for and then I will be able to move onto the beginning and end part of the documentary and look footage for that.

Lesson Plan Review

As I didn't have a lot left to look for, I managed to finish everything off today and be ready to move onto the next sessions tomorrow and Friday. Overall, I am really happy with the amount of work I am getting done and I think it is putting me in a good spot for when I start production.

Thursday 25 March

Lesson Plan

Today, I plan on finding footage and places where I will be able to get footage from for the ending/downfall section of my documentary. This part will be the part with the least of my own footage, but I will try and record it in a way that will be unique and will make me stand out.

Lesson Plan Review

I didn't have a lot of luck and success at finding a lot of footage for my end part of the documentary but I am still happy with the amount that I manage to find. I think the main reason I wasn't able to find a lot is that I am personally not 100% sure on how I will want the end part to look like.

Friday 26 March

Lesson Plan

Today, I plan on finding footage and places where I will be able to get footage from for the beginning/introduction section of my documentary. This part will be the part with the least of my own footage, but I will try and record it in a way that will be unique and will make me stand out.

Lesson Plan Review

Once again, I didn't have a huge amount of luck finding footage as I'm just not 100% sure on how I want this section to look like as well and I don't want to gather random footage. Overall, I am still happy with the amount that I managed to find.

Monday 12 April

Lesson Plan

As we have now started production week, I need to start work on the actual documentary itself. My plan for today is like stated in my day by day schedule, I will start work on the thumbnail and the intro to the documentary

Lesson Plan Review

I managed to finish the thumbnail in my first lesson and I am extremally happy with the outcome, I think it came out really close to how I planned. I made sure to pay attention to my sketch to make sure it comes out how I planned and I think I did a really good job at that. I unfortunately didn't manage to have a go at the intro as I was having issues with the program and didn't want to work for me, so instead I spent the time trying to resolve the issue and get the program to work.

Tuesday 13 April

Lesson Plan

For today's lesson, I decided to start on the documentary it self. My schedule says that I will need to start on recording footage for the documentary. Luckily I already have all the footage for the beginning gathered.

Lesson Plan Review

Today I didn't manage to finish of the intro but did have like 4/5 attempts which I was happy with the effect. I kept running into an issue where the camera just wasn't stable enough and the movement just wasn't the way I imagined my intro to look like. I also had issues where the program crashed a few time. I plan on finishing and having a final edit of the intro by tomorrow. The reason why the video is so slow is that I recorded it in 1/4 speed to make sure everything was smooth and wasn't too quick.

Wednesday 14 April

Lesson Plan

Today, I am to finish my intro and have it completely finished, edited and uploaded to my blog as well as exported my the folder where I will have all my files ready to edit together.

Lesson Plan Review

I managed to record an intro which I was happy with, I also managed to edit it in and have a final cut that I could render and export and upload to my blog as well as paste it into my folder with all my files which I will then edit together.

Thursday 15 April

Lesson Plan

For today, I decided to focus on my interviews and start preparing for them. I will have 2 interviews to record today with people at different levels. 

Lesson Plan Review

I managed to record then interview and I was really happy with the outcome of it as well as the responses to my questions I asked. I felt like the interview went extremely well and I got really detailed answers which will make the documentary come out really well. Unfortunately, one of the people I was supposed to interview decided to not respond to my messages that I have been sending to him for the past couple of days. This means that I only have 1 interview for my documentary

Friday 16 April

Lesson Plan

Today, I aim to start on recording footage for the middle part of my documentary, this part will be filled with my own filmed clips as its about the players and I will need to record clips of their best moments

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed to record all the clips for 2 of the players (Byalli and Neo). I am happy with the amount of work I managed to do, I also did run into a few issues where the clips weren't coming out the best quality but then I figured out that I had the settings incorrectly and after fixing that all the clips were recorded in Full HD 60FPS.

Monday 19 April

Lesson Plan

Today, I aim to continue working on recording the clips I will need for my documentary. I only have 3 players remaining to record and I think I should be able to finish it of by today

Lesson Plan Review

After, figuring out the issue I ran into on Friday I knew exactly what to do when recording it to make sure that the quality is the best it can be. I managed to record clips for 2 other players. I didn't manage to do all 3 and I will have to do the last one tomorrow.

Tuesday 20 April

Lesson Plan

Today, I aim to finish recording all of the clips for the players and have them all sorted into folders and in order so that I know which clips are for who etc.


Lesson Plan Review

I managed to finish recording all the clips for the players. I also managed to sort them correctly and in order so that I know which clips are for who etc.

Wednesday 21 April

Lesson Plan

For today I plan on popping into class to get some feedback from my supervisor on my work and have a catch up. I also plan on finding clips for the player I interviewed as I didn't have a video interview so I need to find footage to overlay it with.

Lesson Plan Review

I was able to pop into class today and get feedback from my teacher I also managed to find out what grade I am working at and the predicted grade as well as anything I could change to make it better. I also managed to find a decent amount of footage for the interview part and all I have to do now is record it.

Thursday 22 April

Lesson Plan

Today, I aim to find footage for the interview part so that I have something to overlay the interview with and so that it isn't a black screen or footage not really related to him.

Lesson Plan Review

I managed to find enough footage for the interview part and all I have to do now is record it.

Friday 23 April

Lesson Plan

Today, all I have to do is record all the footage for the interview that I had so that I have some footage to overall the voice with and not make it boring.

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed to record all of the footage that I needed for the interview and now I am ready to start on the edit.

Monday 26 April

Lesson Plan

Today, I will start on my editing of my documentary. I aim to start on the beginning part of it where. This will include the introduction of the organisation and my intro.

Lesson Plan Review

I managed to start on the edit. The first lesson was spent getting all the files imported into premiere pro as well as getting sorted with everything that I will need. In the second lesson, I managed to start on the edit. I managed to make the start as well as import my intro and start on the introduction of the organisation. 

Tuesday 27 April

Lesson Plan

Today. I will be moving onto editing the middle part of the documentary. In this part I will be editing all of the players, where I will be editing footage of my own and one found on the internet. I will also have a voiceover that will be giving key information to the viewers.

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed to edit together all of the middle part of my documentary. At the moment this is a rough edit so the visuals won't look clean and the whole quality of the documentary will be poor. The reason for this is that I want to first see how it will all look like first before adding effects, transitions etc.

Wednesday 28 April

Lesson Plan

In today's lesson, I will be working on editing the end part as well as adding the interview part in between the middle and end of the documentary.

Lesson Plan Review

I didn't manage to finish all of the edit today as I ran out of time slightly, I did manage to edit a lot though in the time I had. I have about 3-4 minutes of editing left to do which won't take long.

I also have been uploading loads of different variants of the documentary on youtube so that I can view it at different stages as I finish it and create the final draft to see the progress I have made.

Thursday 29 April

Lesson Plan

Today, I aim to finish of editing the whole documentary and get some feedback on it from my friends to see what they think.

Lesson Plan Review

I managed to finish the whole edit and was really pleased the outcome that I created. Even though it is still lacking effects, transitions and a few other things I am really happy with how it looks. I also sent it to a couple of friends for some feedback and they all were really pleased with it and said it was really enjoyable to watch.

Friday 30 April

Lesson Plan

Today, I aim on working on my edit and slowly making it look a lot better and a lot better quality. I aim to first start working on the whole audio section. Making sure that the audio isn't too loud as well as not being too quiet. I will need to pay good attention to parts where I have a voice over and make sure you are able to hear it clearly.

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed to go through the whole documentary about 10-15 times and listen out to any issues in the audio. I first started with fading in and out some audio to make it sound better when transitioning to something else. I also worked on audio levels making sure that certain audio levels (music/voice over etc) are the same level throughout the whole of the documentary and don't fluctuate. I was really happy with the issues I managed to resolve that I got told by friends/girlfriend which constantly re-watch the documentary with me and give me constant feedback on it. 

Tuesday 4 May

Lesson Plan

Today, I aim on again working on my edit and making it a lot better. For today's lesson I aim on adding subtitles to my interview making sure that anyone watching is able to understand it and know what the person is talking about.

Lesson Plan Review

I managed to complete the subtitles which took a lot longer than I wished it to take as halfway through me doing it premiere decided to crash and not save any of my work that I have done. But luckily after getting a feeling before on how to do the subtitles, I was able to finish it off a lot quicker

Wednesday 5 May

Lesson Plan

For today, I plan on going into college to catch up with my supervisor and get some feedback on my work so far, to make sure I am on the right track and doing what I am supposed to be doing. After that, I also aim to just go over the video once again before starting on effects and check for anything audio, video mistakes I might of missed and fix them.

Lesson Plan Review

I managed to catch up with my supervisor and get all my feedback I wanted. I made sure to write my feedback down somewhere so that I know what I need to work on and improve. I also managed to watch the video and find a couple of mistakes I missed which I managed to fix. I re-watched it and didn't find anything anymore.

Thursday 6 May

Lesson Plan

Today, my aim is to watch the documentary again with other people and get feedback on all of the footage that I have. I want to make sure that all the footage that is there makes sense and has a point. If not, then I will discuss with them what I could change, add or remove to make it better.

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed to re-watch the documentary a couple of times with some other people and got some feedback on all of the footage I have. I decided from the feedback I have to remove 1 clip and also change 1 thing. I decided to remove the clip where I mention that after the splitting a new team was created from Kazakhstan, I then had a clip playing introducing the players. I decided to remove that because I don't see the importance on introducing them if I'm not focusing on them or even mentioning them at all after that. I feel like they aren't significant and important enough so stay in. I also decided to change my intro. I had text appear which went 'An' 'E-Sport Documentary' 'Created By' 'Jakub Moczydlowski'. I Decided to add the 'an' and 'E-sport Documentary' into one text I think that the 'An' just look out of place and alone and it just didn't look right for me as well as for other people that watched it with me 

Friday 7 May

Today, I aim to finish the documentary by adding effects and transitions in certain parts of the video. I also plan on re-watching it a couple of times making sure I haven't missed any small issues somewhere in the video. I also plan on re-working on my proposal and research changing a few things so that my teachers get a better understanding of what it was I am making.

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed to finally finish the documentary completely and submit it on teams as a finished product, which I was really proud and happy with because the outcome was a lot better than I expected as well as other people's reactions to them were a lot better. I also managed to change my proposal a bit and add a bit more information to project concept part about the fact that I am focusing mainly on the editing instead of the quality of the footage. As this is everything done related to the making of the documentary I can now from Monday start on the evaluation of it and finish everything that was required. 

Monday 10 May

Today, I aim to start on my proposal that I aim to get done by tomorrow. I aim to work on the first couple of questions and get some feedback on it. I am also waiting on feedback on all my other work, the feedback I will receive I will work on after the proposal

Lesson Plan Review

I managed to finish of 3 questions on the evaluation which I am really happy about. I plan on finishing the evaluation tomorrow and work on anything else that I am asked to do.

Tuesday 11 May

Today, I aim to finish off my evaluation and then start looking at the feedback I have gotten with my work so that I can work on changing and adding things to it. As this is basically the end of the project I still need to be focused and make sure I am working at the highest standard possible.

Lesson Plan Review

Today, I managed to focus really well and finish of the whole of the evaluation to a really high standard in my opinion. I also managed to receive feedback on all my work and plan out what I can fix and add so that I have something to do tomorrow.

Wednesday 12 May

Today, I aim on working on my project and adding anything that could get me a higher grade to make sure that I am working and my best possible grade. After finishing this, it will be the end of all the work for me and I will be ready to hand it my final project.

Lesson Plan Review

After receiving the feedback on what I could add to my blog I went ahead and added it. I added a job role description what my role in this project is as well as anyone else involved in it like the interviewee and the voice over actor. I also added a survey where I asked a couple of people about their thoughts on the documentary, the feedback I got was great and the suggestions I got I also used and changed in the final documentary. Finally, I have also added a link to a google drive folder that has all of my own clips so that the moderators know what is my own and what is from the internet. Overall, this is all from me and I am now ready and waiting to submit and be signed off the course.

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