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Week 1 & 2 

For week 1 & 2 I will be focusing only on my first initial ideas and proposal. During these 2 weeks I will need to come up with 3 ideas for an FMP and describe them. I will then have to select 1 of them and write a proposal about it. 

Week 3, 4 & 5

During these 3 weeks I will be focusing on doing all of my research for my project. 


For week 3 (22/2/21) I will focus mainly on researching all of the software that I might need to use to edit this project and make it look good. I will also research editing techniques, effects, colour grading etc so that I can make the documentary look the best it possibly can. I will also research all the skills I will need to achieve a successful and good looking documentary as well as learning the skills and documenting it all.


For week 4 (1/3/21) I will move onto focusing on doing research on the team and slowly getting information ready for my script. I will have to do a lot of research, firstly I will have to research the organisation, how it became one, who created it when etc. I will then move onto each individual player, researching them and their life before and after joining the team. Finally, I will move onto researching the downfall of the team and why the team fell apart. Mainly, just looking for information that support the ideas of why the team split as well as other factors that could of led to this stage.


For week 5 (8,3,21), I will move onto researching actors for my voice over and getting in contact with them to find out their budgets, availability and how quick they could record and send the finished piece over. I also will research people that I could get in for a possible interview, this could be the actual players that I'm doing the documentary on or people related to them like commentators, coaches, mangers etc.

Week 6 & 7

For these two weeks in pre-production I will focus on writing the script as well focusing on finding the footage that I will use as on overlay for the VoiceOver that I will have.


For week 6 (15/3/21), I want to focus mainly on the script as I want to get that done ASAP and sent over to the actor so that he can record it and send it back before the production week preferably. I will be doing the script in 3 parts and sending them over to the actor in 3 parts (Beginning, Players, Downfall) just so that I can at least get some VoiceOver footage for production in case he is late. If I end up doing an interview, after finishing writing the script for the VoiceOver I will then write a script for my interview.


For week 7 (22/3/21), I will focus on finding all of the footage that I will have playing under the VoiceOver. I will spend a lot of time finding footage from the internet as well as recording my own footage, which will be recording moments within the game. During this week I will also want to create myself some sort of drawn illustration of how I plan to make the documentary look like, mainly want to have the intro drawn and some other key elements. During this week, if I end up doing an interview this is the week where I will record the interview with the person.


Week 8, 9 & 10

These 3 weeks are going to be extremely busy and will need me to put a lot of work in. This will be the 3 weeks where I will be putting all of the clips together editing the VoiceOver all of the clips as well as a possible interview.


Week 8 (12/4/21), I plan on starting recording and making of the intro for the video as well as moving onto the beginning of the documentary. First, I will start on making the thumbnail and the intro to the documentary. This should take me no longer than 2 days maximum. The importance of the thumbnail is so that it makes the video stand out on YouTube when people are scrolling about. For the next couple of days I will be focusing on the beginning of the documentary where I will be putting all the clips regarding the making of the team and its history together, as well as editing in the VoiceOver. At the end of the week I will send over what I have made so far to my supervisor for feedback and evaluation.


For week 9 (19/4/21), I will be focusing on finishing the beginning of the interview and moving onto the individual players.. This week I will be putting all of the clips together as well as the VoiceOver and adding effects, I don't want to add too much stuff as there still will be a lot to edit and I want it to all to make sense. The more editing that gets done the more effects I will add and play around with the looks of the documentary. At the end of the week, again I will be getting feedback and evaluation from my supervisor.


For week 10 (26/4/21), I will aim to finish of the individual player section and move on to the ending (as well as possible interview) section of the documentary. Here, once again, I will be adding the footage I have either found or recorded as well as editing the voice over. As this will be the end of the documentary I will be able to spend some time adding effects into the video and playing about with the overall look and feel of it. Towards the end of the week once again I will my supervisor for feedback on my work and evaluation on the first complete rough edit.



Week 11

For week 11 (3/5/21), I will focus on the evaluation from the supervisor which I will be constantly getting with each rough edit I send him and the improvements I will make. I aim to have done enough rough edits that week to have a final edit ready and complete awaiting submission.

Week 12

Week 12 (10/5/21), this will be the final week of the whole project and the most stressful one for sure. I will need to make sure that I am calm the whole week and don't forget to do something really important. I will spend the whole week doing evaluations as well as getting all my work ready for submission and a final hand in.


HAND IN: 14/5/21

Production schedule

I decided to create myself a timetable for production time so that I know exactly what I want to do and get done each lesson and each day. I will do this to make sure I can achieve everything on time without throwing myself a huge amount of work to do. I think the schedule I created is good as it has a decent amount of work for each day.


Link to all footage 


This link here, is to a spreadsheet that shows which footage is my own, that I have recorded myself and which ones are from the internet with links to them so it can be easily found for me and for anyone else.


here is a link to all of my own footage that I have recorded myself from in game. All of this footage found in this google drive folder is my own and is original footage recorded by myself using HLAE as my recording software and CS:GO as the game I recorded all the footage in.



I decided to create the script for my documentary during pre-production so that I can send it off to the voice over actor before Easter break and have it all ready when we come back so that I am not panicking that I might not get it on time



Voice over

00:00 / 02:38



Voice over

00:00 / 05:17

Interview introduction


Voice over

00:00 / 01:04



Voice over

00:00 / 01:21


Step by step

Step 1


First, I had to add the image I wanted to use with the players from the team. I had to place it onto the canvas and then create a orange rectangle and warp it to the shape I wanted it to be. Next, I had to position it correctly so that it isn't covering too much of the team but is big enough for me to put information on. I also decided to add a little grey to the top of the orange shape for some contrast and make the thumbnail stand out a bit

Step 2


Next, I decided to add the teams logo in the top part of my information box just to make it a little bit more obvious what the video is about for the audience. I also added 3 rectangular boxes where I will have text

Step 3


After adding the boxes, I decided to add the text 'Edited By' and 'Jakub' for this I used the 'Gotham Narrow' font as I think it suits it the best as it is really basic and simple. I also added the 'The most historical line up in e-sport history' for this I used the 'BadaBoom BB' font as I wanted the title to be bold and stand out and I think this font did the job the best. I also added a little trophy just so that the viewer can get a better understanding of what it is about.

Final step


Now, that I have done the basic look of the thumbnail I could work on making it stand out a bit more. I decided on the information box to add a splatter effect on the back to not make it look to plain. I  also decided to add some flares in a few spots of the thumbnail just to make it pop a little bit more.

Final Look



Cinematic only

This is the raw footage of the intro I have made.  To achieve this I had to use a program called HLAE which allows me to import a camera into the game and basically be a cameraman and record things. To record this I had to go into a game and position the camera where I wanted to start. I had to place keyframes at each point so that the camera new the path it had to take to complete the cinematic. The main things I had to keep in mind is the speed I am moving at as the camera will match that to make sure it reaches the point in the same amount of time as me as well as the position I am facing when placing the marker as the camera will face the same way I did, this could lead to the camera facing the ground if I did when placing the marker.

Final edit of intro

In premiere pro I had to the add the footage I recorded. I also then had to add the text I wanted to appear on the screen. I also decided to add some effects over the video, I used a smoke particle effect as I liked the look of it in a different project I did. I also had to add music over the top. I decided to use this music as it was upbeat and gave me a feeling like it is preparing you for something really good which in this case I wanted it to be my documentary.

Updated Intro:

After re-watching my documentary with some other people a couple of times. We have come to the conclusion that there is something I need to change in the intro. The text 'An' for us looked out of place and alone. I decided to change it and add it to the 'E-sport Documentary' text and make it all together. I think now it looks a lot better and doesn't look a bit stupid and out of place. 



Interview 1 mp3Artist Name
00:00 / 20:45
Interview 2 mp3Artist Name
00:00 / 02:01

I think the interview went really well and was successful. We had to change the date once due to him not being available at that time as he had training with the team. I feel like the answers he gave to my most important questions were really detailed and gave a good understanding of the sport for some of the new people listening in. We didn't have any major issues during the recording. We ran into only one issue towards the end of the interview. Due to him being abroad and at a bootcamp with the team where they stayed at a hotel, he had limited WI-Fi and had to reset it each day, unfortunately  for us as he was an hour forward during the interview it hit midnight for him and his Wi-Fi stopped, but after about 2/3 minutes he was back and we were able to go back to recording the interview.


Beginning Only

In this edit, I decided to only have the beginning where I introduce the organisation and talk a little about them. I wanted to see what the documentary will look like and if I like how it is coming along.

Virtus.Pro Documentary no interview

With this edit, I basically decided to just put all the clips together and all the footage but leave out the interview as I wanted to see how well it would look without the interview and then compare it to when I add the interview to see the difference.

Virtus.Pro Documentary with interview no subtitles

This edit is pretty straight forward, here I added the interview but have left out the subtitles as the main purpose for this edit was for me to just see how well the interview fits in and compare it to the edit without the interview.

Virtus.Pro Documentary Draft 1

On the first draft I decided to work on mainly the subtitles for the interview as well as a few of the audio issues I had where it was too loud or too quiet in some places.

Virtus.Pro Documentary Draft 2

In my 2nd draft I decided to use the feedback I have gotten from people and change a few things. The main thing that I changed was I went over the whole documentary once again and worked on the volume of the audio as that seemed to be a constant issue I was facing, where the footage was too loud and the voice over was too quiet. So for this draft I focused on the audio level only

Virtus.Pro Documentary Draft 3

For the third draft, I decided to start working on the effects and once again from watching the documentary with a few people use their feedback and change things again. This time I changed my intro and removed the word 'AN' which was on its own and looked a bit stupid and added it to the 'E-sport Documentary' making it all in phrase. I also decided to remove the edit where I have the introduction of the Kazakhstan team as we came to the agreement that they are not as important and I don't focus on them at all during the documentary so having them appear for about 10 seconds is a bit pointless. The last thing that I worked on was the effects, adding transitions and some cool effects to the clips to make the edit a bit more interesting to watch.

Virtus.Pro Documentary Final Edit

This is the final draft, which I submitted to my teacher as a final piece which was finished. I fixed all of the changes I had to make and used all of the feedback and suggestions I got from people. I also used the thumbnail that I made to make it a little bit more obvious what the documentary is about and to catch people's eye when I upload to YouTube. Overall, the whole documentary is done and I am extremely proud of the work I have done and the final outcome of the video.

© 2021 by Jakub Moczydlowski. Proudly created with

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